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Graphic Design
Everything from business card designs, maps, logos, labels, signage,
brochures and technical illustrations. For further information,
email: • call: 610-764-0197

Camp Manatawny Map
Adobe Illustrator drawing of a summer camp. I walked the grounds and took photos in order to determine the layout of this conceptual map.

Logo Designs
Fastline logo and business card design.

"Tone Arm Vinyl"
For vinyl music lovers.

Scaler Assembly Illustration
A technical illustration of an industrial tool. Drawn in Adobe Illustrator.

Wine Label Design
"Valeri's Vino" custom wine label design.

Logo Designs
A logo design for a welding contractor.

Wheel Assembly
A technical illustration of a wheel assembly created in Adobe Illustrator.

Wine Label Design
Padlock Sangiovese wine label design.

Monocacy Hill Park Map
A detailed map of the park with photos highlighting points of interest. Created in Adobe Illustrator.

Event ID Card Design
Event credentials card design for a guitar show.

Business Card Design
Designed for a children's language school.

Floor Plan
A floor plan drawing used for a real estate website.

East Coventry Seal Design
I researched the history of East Coventry Pa., and created hand-drawn images used in the seal.

Historical society business card design.
Logo design and business card design for a historical society.

Event ID Card Design
Event credentials card design for a park event.

Custom Label Design
A custom wine label design with hand drawn illustration.

Mail Card
A Mexican-Italian restaurant mail card design.

Business Card
A Beer distributor business card design.

Summer Camp Sign Design
This sign is used at the entrance to the camp.

Garden Center Sign Design
Storefront sign used at the entrance to a garden center.

Metal Detector Business Card Design
Custom designs created for any kinds of businesses.

Ad Design
Ad design for use in a local magazine.

Small Business Brochure
Designed for a small business.

Event ID Card Design
Event credentials card design for a planetarium event.
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